crowdin screenshot upload
Add screenshot
crowdin screenshot upload <file> [CONFIG OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]
File path to add
Choose whether or not to tag screenshot automatically
, --file
Path to the source file in Crowdin. Requires the '--auto-tag' to be
, --branch
Branch name. Requires the '--auto-tag' to be passed
Attach labels to screenshot (multiple labels can be specified)
, --directory
Path to the directory in Crowdin. Requires the '--auto-tag' to be passed
, --version
Display version information and exit
, --help
Display help message and exit
Disable progress on executed command
, --verbose
Provide more information about the command execution
Disable colors and styles
, --config
Specify a path to the configuration file. Default: crowdin.yml
Specify a path to user-specific credentials
Provide plain, processable output
Config Options​
, --token
Personal access token required for authentication
Base URL of Crowdin server for API requests execution
Path to your project directory on a local machine
, --project-id
Numeric ID of the project