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crowdin upload


Upload source files to a Crowdin project


crowdin (upload|push) [SUBCOMMAND] [CONFIG OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]


Upload existing translations to your Crowdin project

Upload source files to a Crowdin project


-b, --branch=…
Specify branch name. Default: none

Attach labels to strings (multiple labels can be specified)

Delete obsolete files and folders from the Crowdin project that no longer match the source configuration or have been deleted locally

Specify whether to update existing source files in the Crowdin project or only upload new ones. Updates by default

Specify languages the sources should not be translated into. Can be specified multiple times

-V, --version
Display version information and exit

-h, --help
Display help message and exit

Disable progress on executed command

-v, --verbose
Provide more information about the command execution

Disable colors and styles

-c, --config=…
Specify a path to the configuration file. Default: crowdin.yml or crowdin.yaml

Specify a path to user-specific credentials

List contents of directories in a tree-like format in dryrun mode

Print a command output without execution

Provide plain, processable output

Config Options​

-T, --token=…
Personal access token required for authentication

Base URL of Crowdin server for API requests execution

Path to your project directory on a local machine

-i, --project-id=…
Numeric ID of the project

-s, --source=…
Path to the source files

-t, --translation=…
Path to the translation files

Specify file name in Crowdin

Choose whether to save the directory hierarchy in the Crowdin project