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crowdin glossary upload


Upload glossary to localization resources


crowdin glossary upload <file> [CONFIG OPTIONS] [OPTIONS]


File to upload


Glossary identifier for uploading to the existing glossary

Glossary language identifier

Defines data columns scheme (used only for CSV or XLS/XLSX files configuration)

Defines whether the file contains the first-row header that shouldn’t be imported (used only for CSV or XLS/XLSX files)

-V, --version
Display version information and exit

-h, --help
Display help message and exit

Disable progress on executed command

-v, --verbose
Provide more information about the command execution

Disable colors and styles

-c, --config=…
Specify a path to the configuration file. Default: crowdin.yml or crowdin.yaml

Specify a path to user-specific credentials

Provide plain, processable output

Config Options​

-T, --token=…
Personal access token required for authentication

Base URL of Crowdin server for API requests execution

Path to your project directory on a local machine


To form the scheme for your CSV or XLS/XLSX glossary file, use the following constants:

  • term_{language_code} – Column contains terms.

  • {column_number} – Column number.Numbering starts from 0.

  • description_{language_code} – Column contains term descriptions.

  • partOfSpeech_{language_code} – Column contains part of speech for terms.

Where {language_code} – Language code for the specified language.See the full list of Supported Languages.

--first-line-contains-header – used to skip the import of the first row (header).