There is a way to customize the client to your needs. You can pass a configuration object as a second (optional) argument in the constructor.
import otaClient, { ClientConfig } from '@crowdin/ota-client';
const config: ClientConfig = {
httpClient: customHttpClient,
disableManifestCache: false,
languageCode: 'uk',
disableStringsCache: false,
disableJsonDeepMerge: true
const hash = '{distribution_hash}';
const client = new otaClient(hash, config);
Config Options
Distribution Hash. See the Content Delivery article for more details.
Custom HTTP client.
Default: Fetch HTTP client
Default language code to be used if language was not passed as an input argument of the method (also possible via setCurrentLocale
Visit the Language Codes page to see the list of supported language codes.
Disable distribution manifest file caching, which results in an additional request for each client method.
Default: false
Disabling the manifest cache may result in additional charges.
Disable caching of translation strings which is used for JSON-based client methods.
Default: false
Disabling the strings cache may result in additional charges.
Disable deep merge of json-based files for string-based methods and use shallow merge.
Default: false