Module crowdin_api.api_resources.glossaries.resource


class GlossariesResource (requester: APIRequester, project_id: Optional[int] = None, page_size=25)

Resource for Glossaries.

Glossaries help to explain some specific terms or the ones often used in the project so that they can be properly and consistently translated.

Use API to manage glossaries or specific terms. Glossary export and import are asynchronous operations and shall be completed with sequence of API methods.

Link to documentation:



def add_glossary(self, name: str, languageId: str)
def add_term(self, glossaryId: int, languageId: str, text: str, description: Optional[str] = None, partOfSpeech: Optional[TermPartOfSpeech] = None, status: Optional[TermStatus] = None, type: Optional[TermType] = None, gender: Optional[TermGender] = None, note: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, conceptId: Optional[int] = None)
def check_glossary_export_status(self, glossaryId: int, exportId: str)

Check Glossary Export Status.

Link to documentation:

def check_glossary_import_status(self, glossaryId: int, importId: str)

Check Glossary Import Status.

Link to documentation:

def clear_glossary(self, glossaryId: int, languageId: Optional[str] = None, conceptId: Optional[int] = None)
def concordance_search_in_glossaries(self, sourceLanguageId: str, targetLanguageId: str, expressions: Iterable[str], projectId: Optional[int] = None)
def delete_concept(self, glossaryId: int, conceptId: int)
def delete_glossary(self, glossaryId: int)
def delete_term(self, glossaryId: int, termId: int)
def download_glossary(self, glossaryId: int, exportId: str)
def edit_glossary(self, glossaryId: int, data: Iterable[GlossaryPatchRequest])
def edit_term(self, glossaryId: int, termId: int, data: Iterable[TermPatchRequest])
def export_glossary(self, glossaryId: int, data: Optional[GlossarySchemaRequest] = None)
def get_concept(self, glossaryId: int, conceptId: int)
def get_concepts_path(self, glossaryId: int, conceptId: Optional[int] = None)
def get_glossaries_path(self, glossaryId: Optional[int] = None)
def get_glossary(self, glossaryId: int)
def get_glossary_export_path(self, glossaryId: int, exportId: Optional[str] = None)
def get_term(self, glossaryId: int, termId: int)
def get_terms_path(self, glossaryId: int, termId: Optional[int] = None)
def import_glossary(self, glossaryId: int, storageId: int, scheme: Optional[Dict[~KT, ~VT]] = None, firstLineContainsHeader: Optional[bool] = None)
def list_concepts(self, glossaryId: int, orderBy: Optional[Sorting] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None)
def list_glossaries(self, orderBy: Optional[Sorting] = None, groupId: Optional[int] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None)
def list_terms(self, glossaryId: int, orderBy: Optional[Sorting] = None, userId: Optional[int] = None, languageId: Optional[str] = None, conceptId: Optional[int] = None, croql: Optional[str] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None)
def update_concept(self, glossaryId: int, conceptId: int, languagesDetails: Iterable[LanguagesDetails], subject: Optional[str] = None, definition: Optional[str] = None, note: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, figure: Optional[str] = None)