Table of Contents
- Enterprise
- BranchApi
- Manage project branches
- BundleApi
- Manage project bundles
- DirectoryApi
- Manage project directories to keep files structure
- DistributionApi
- Distribution is a CDN vault that mirrors your project’s translated content and is required for integration with the iOS, Android, or Web apps.
- FileApi
- Use API to keep the source files up to date, check on file revisions
- GlossaryApi
- Glossaries help to explain some specific terms or the ones often used in the project so that they can be properly and consistently translated.
- GraphqlApi
- GraphQL API is a tool that allows you to retrieve exactly the data you need using more specific and flexible queries.
- IssueApi
- LabelApi
- Use labels in your project for an easy way to add context to the strings or organize them by certain topics.
- LanguageApi
- Crowdin supports more than 300 world languages and custom languages created in the system.
- MachineTranslationEngineApi
- Machine Translation Engines (MTE) are the sources for pre-translations.
- NotificationApi
- Send notifications
- OrganizationWebhookApi
- Webhooks allow you to collect information about events that happen in your Crowdin Enterprise organization.
- ProjectApi
- Using projects, you can keep your source files sorted.
- ReportApi
- Reports help to estimate costs, calculate translation costs, and identify the top members.
- ReportArchiveApi
- Use API to manage report archives.
- ScreenshotApi
- Screenshots provide translators with additional context for the source strings.
- SourceStringApi
- Source strings are the text units for translation. Instead of modifying source files, you can manage source strings one by one.
- StorageApi
- Storage is a separate container for each file. You need to use Add Storage method before adding files to your projects via API.
- StringCommentApi
- Use API to add or remove strings translations, approvals, and votes.
- StringsExporterSettingApi
- Manage project strings exporter settings
- StringTranslationApi
- Use API to add or remove strings translations, approvals, and votes.
- TaskApi
- Create and assign tasks to get files translated or proofread by specific people.
- TranslationApi
- Translators can work with entirely untranslated project or you can pre-translate the files to ease the translations process.
- TranslationMemoryApi
- Translation Memory (TM) is a vault of translations that were previously made in other projects.
- TranslationStatusApi
- Class TranslationStatusApi
- UserApi
- Users API gives you the possibility to get profile information about the currently authenticated user.
- WebhookApi
- Webhooks allow you to collect information about events that happen in your Crowdin projects.