Table of Contents
- FileApi
- Use API to keep the source files up to date, check on file revisions
- GroupApi
- Groups allow you to organize your projects based on specific characteristics
- MachineTranslationEngineApi
- Machine Translation Engines (MTE) are the sources for pre-translations.
- NotificationApi
- Send notifications
- ReportApi
- Reports help to estimate costs, calculate translation costs, and identify the top members.
- TeamApi
- Use API to manage organization teams
- TeamMemberApi
- Use API to manage team members
- UserApi
- Users are the members of your organization with the defined access levels (e.g. manager, admin, contributor).
- VendorApi
- Vendors are the organizations that provide professional translation services.
- WorkflowStepApi
- Use API to manage workflow steps
- WorkflowTemplateApi
- Workflows are the sequences of steps that content in your project should go through (e.g. pre-translation, translation, proofreading).